Architecture is for Air; Entelechy through (un)becoming, withdrawal of Reality in Objects and Qualities, ([Fear] Existence precedes) [Violence] Essence in the shadows, and the vicarious causation in(side) boundaries of intra-actions.
The case study used throughout this theory is a Sadbad Group design for a client in Adelaide, Australia. ‘Fat Fucking Frog’, now known as, Frog. An inaccessible, controlled, and illusive garden within a forest. A place where ecology is valued, the facade decays, the internals rot and become mouldy, and access is through the healing tracks of seeds-to-plants. Sadbad is about (un)becoming, shadows, and boundaries. This theory will attempt to explain an aspect of life, is, rather than what. Essence fused with causation. In my attempt at shifting perception and relationships, I will adhere to a quote from Vitruvius (circa 25 BC);
"The ideal architect should be a person of letters, a mathematician, familiar with historical studies, a diligent student of philosophy, acquainted with music, not ignorant of medicine, learned in the responses of jurisconsult, familiar with astronomy and astronomical calculations.”
Venturing down seemingly disconnected rabbit holes of theory, the mystery of life is never what it seems and it will unfold. Meaning is now what you make it. It does not have to be what it always was. The Yin and yang symbolises that there can be a bit of ‘bad’ in the good, or ‘good’ in the bad. It is better to view this symbol as intended in movement and spin, where black and white become a harmony of grey. I will be using Donna Harroway’s, diffractive methodology[1] [2] to attempt to explain my theory of the Frog. Topics of enquiry are Graham Harmen’s Object-Oriented Ontology[3] [4] [5] [6], philosophical insight into essence and existence, sociological and anthropological understandings of violence, the neurobiology and psychology of fear and anxiety, the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, and causation through feminist theorist and physicist Karen Barad. I call this theory ‘The crooked stream to light and healing.’ As I can’t communicate with you directly I will be talking with you through a ‘bending’ in hope of persuading you into a new way of being towards actions of amicability. Can we perceive uncertainty as a positive and move on with understanding and forgiveness? You are in control… Or are you because I let you be?
Air, entelechy, and memory; creation through (un)becoming.
In the Critique of Judgement[7] Emmanuel Kant posits that matter can have no spontaneity. Living matter is a contradiction of lifeless inertia and hylozoism[8] conflicts with its nature. A vital principle[9] [10] is an invisible presence that performs actions that a mechanical process could not without assistance. Jane Bennet[11] argues that the vital principle cannot be ‘physico-chemical’, because of the observation of morphogenesis[12]. Entelechy[13] is created in the gaps in the ‘chain of strictly physico-chemical or mechanical events’[14]. Aesthetics is the first principle of Object-oriented ontology (OOO), therefore how things, people, and places, are, is a combination of other things, people, places and their appearance. There is a gap (/air) between what a thing is and the aesthetics of its perceived appearance. The knowing of this sentence is not the sentence, the words making up this sentence are not the sentence, the meaning of these words in the sentence is not the sentence, and so on. The Frog is, by being not. It is a waste to move through time and space to understand and localise a point of where the gap is. An object is not a sum of its parts or memorisodic qualities. There must be an acceptance that things are and are not themselves at an irreducible unity in present time. OOO is similar to a state of logical contradiction, and therefore not understandable in a socially agreed standard of: consistency. Analogies to spark your imagination of what inconsistency is; growth of an acorn into an oak tree or a baby being fed by a bottle/breast progressing to adulthood and cooking a meal. Fear opens up a sensitivity to the abundance of life that is a more vibrant experience than joy. The entelechy located within Fear is serenity. Haecceity[15] [16] can be pervasive.
Air is the fourth element of ebbs and flows, fluctuations, vortexes, and tornadoes. Movement, transportation, and the drama of events. “The air enables movement and perception, as well as communication, travel, situatedness, and dislocation, in as much as it joins the members of societies and cultures in a common climate.”[17] Air is a being with agency in weather, wind, seasons, and temperatures. Air is synonymous with climate ( Etymology of Klinein; Greek word meaning: to lean, rest, recline, or bend.) Colonialist arguments[18] [19] [20] posit a historical exploitation of racism linked to place and climate. By changing the climate, a subject changes itself. Culture is self-transformational. Culture uses the working of air to engage a habitable, profitable, and exploitable foundation to existence. We currently relate to air through ‘climate change’. Climate is experienced through temporality. Weather is a singular day of ephemeral memories. Climate change takes on a global and statistical view with an absence of subjective experience. A seemingly inaccessible complexity of meteorological models and jargonised processes to deter the simplistic nature of air. Air has become a hyper-object[21]. Air now has an absence of culture and symbolism. Air is the constitution of constantly pressured movements, this uncertainty with understanding is predictably and understandably exhausting. It is better to perceive air as energy in motion, or e-motion. Movement of air is synonymous with thoughts, feelings, and beliefs (TFB) - the only constant is change. Scale determines sense of place. Ability within the presence of remembering scale is determinant in locality and non-locality of the moment. Within the Frog there is a sense of white card fused with white card, the sense of a fused white card existing and avoiding moisture from the build-up inside the Frog, the sense of the Frog as a garden in a forest, the sense of the forest within a mycelium network, and the sense of etc. Objective violence[22] dips into the entanglement and immersion of the stickiness of our damaging effect on climate. The self-abuse of inner climates becomes a maelstrom of behaviours. Taking in as many moments to be angry at, and have a cheeky gossip and opinion sharing session. News media becomes a climate of distressing situations to practise empathy or gratitude. Tensions between near/far, static/dynamic - linear/cyclical, expectation with fear/actualised event, and patterns/singularity.
The Frog goes beyond the divide of being and environment and exchanges in the engagement of breath, skin, smell, and change in season. There is an immersion of flowing flowering fields with shifting perspectives, the noticing of outside compared to inside and inside to actuality. There might be an opening to the world of sensually alluring tasteful harming compliments, and the grounded grounding or repetitive watching of the watcher of inside and outside critiques. But, this is tragically uncertain and unpredictable based on precedently analysis.
Memory serves us as an apparatus of deception, a navigation tool to achieve a desired direction.[23] [24] [25] Memory is used to reconstruct selective highlights of significant moments, emotions, and details. Sequential ordering provides a logical flow, the creation of coherence is through linking events through cause and effect of thematic connections, information is then contextualised to enhance understanding, applications of emotional depth creates relatability and engagement, emotional recall conveys a tone so listeners empathise. A detailed and sensory-rich memory immerses the vividness of identity. Individual identity is constructed through personal placement of profitability in a reflection of values and beliefs. Collective identity is created through community and culture, expression can be through myths, traditions, and historical accounts. Storytelling through analogies and metaphor is an effective tool for learning and teaching. Memories become blended and manufactured through imagination and filling in the gaps in an embellishing style for the purpose of coherence, entertainment, or objective violence. Fragmentation and the distortion of various narrative factors leads to inaccuracy from personal biases and perspectives that are shaped by desired goals and desired outcomes. These desires lead to a spectrum of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs which perpetuate the cycle of narrative driven Self-abuse.
Morphogenesis; an individual process from a blastocyst to an ontogenesis and then onwards to a response towards restitution. The morphogenesis manifoldness in a location does not emerge from the uniform space of an egg. It remains theoretically impossible for a manifold to occur from the source of unity. So, the preceding manifold must be a composite not in space. An extensive manifoldness emerges from the intensive manifoldness. Life becomes puzzling if understood through mechanism alone.
The vital principle of entelechy is understood as neither; of the process in the mechanical body, and not as a fragile soul. True power and control is entelechy. Entelechy[26] is the agency of non-process, self-moving and self-altering. A power responsible for life. The qualities of organic are affected by change in a provoked and coordinated response. Organic systems learn from experience, hold the ability to adapt to a real action through an internal individual stimulus. This individualisation directs the agency of entelechy. Potentiality of connected lines and actions is greater than the actuality of what unfolds. The agent responsible for the singular specific actuality from a vast potentiality is the relaxing action of entelechy. A directing power in allowing uncertainty and possibilities to emerge from the organism and become actuality through behaviour.
To maintain the status-quo, entelechy is innovative in its actions to repair old parts, recreates amputations, and adapts old qualities into new roles. Individual movements of an organism are not environmentally determined or mechanically caused by stimuli. The only affect of outside events affecting an individual, is, through the creation of possibilities for further acting. Freedom exists in indefiniteness. ‘Entelechy is the order of relation and absolutely nothing else.’[27] Entelechy is like Machiavelli’s Fortuna[28] or Homer’s Psyche[29]. A vitality that flows throughout all living bodies, there is coordination without a rigid plan, it is a general direction answering phenomena innovatively and comfortably. It is the moment in time, observation, and apparatus of convergence into a singularity of unifying dichotomies, discrepancies, and disgust.
Is this the closet depiction of God? Unlikely. But, you can believe so if your entelechy says to…
The medium of architecture is Air. The climatic phenomena of internal thoughts, feelings, and beliefs adjusting to the objective violence of working and hiding systems, and the symbology hidden in plain sight. Essence is violent. Thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are the inside and the outside fused with a new, chaotic, view of causality. Air is a medium of unbecoming; a weightless, invisible, and imperceptible perception. Air is a background perception, we view air through the trees, and we hear air through gaps. Existence is relishing the fear of standing out, it also eats up the fear of fitting in. Existing is like the vortex; draining and computable. Air is a verb, a doing word. Like love.
Withdrawal: Reality in objects and qualities.
OOO reveals the weird world we live in. Hyper-plurality and individualism in how objects disconnect, dissipate, withdraw, and create meaning in their own identity.[30] Sparkling and fleeting connections through the surface of experiences. Dancing with humbling humility by observing humans as a small portion within the interplay. Universal organisms expressing their fundamental parts in the euphonic cacophony of life. A Real Object (RO)[31] is anything that exists as its own reality, disconnected from the effects of its environment and in a position above the summary of its parts. A being that is created from relations with other organisms (Bios/Zóé[32]/Geos[33]) and relates to external objects. Each object is a Real thing, it is independent of the help of other objects in being. An object is taking an action in the foundational process of coming into being or becoming prominent in its reality. All objects withdraw, from this action they are deviant.[34] This deviant act allows an inaccessibility by other beings to being-present-with[35]. Withdrawal is paradoxical. There is an accessibility towards intimacy. Proximity is a subjugated ontic thought. The paradoxical relationship is a denial of space and time. Metaphysics of presence has shifted and you can have an ontological existence without constant presence. We live and be in an expression of a withdrawn vacuum. Persistence qua execution suggests Real Objects withdraw from one another and it is impossible for one object to affect another at all. The affect comes from within the withdrawal, an action like vomiting. Withdrawal has two parts to it; excess and independence[36]. Excess follows along with an internal action (execution) and the capacity for external action (causation) that unfolds from within. Execution is pure in that it is persistently precluding every actual interaction, and pure actuality of possible interactions. Therefore, execution rises above both interaction and possibility. As every possibility is shielded from our understanding, withdrawal of reality is unknowable and thus independent. Things are in a tension between the duality of a persistent amalgamation and inherent plurality.
Understanding outside requires bending. Empathic agency can be used in bending, but relating to the outside is through the inside's memories. Causality is an aesthetic phenomenon. Aesthetic events occur in a vacuum of loneliness, separability, and complete delusion of trying to gain a connection towards anything in the universe. The only aspect an object can relate, connect, or touch another object, whether material, emotional, sensorial, or thought is through a manifestation of perception with an interaction and more importantly an intra-action[37] [38].
Real Qualities (RQ) emerge from a link with RO. RO are formed from multiple parts. When these causal intra-actions become linked together to form an object the excess properties of parts not needed in the intra-action float in a close field of RQ surrounding the object ready to be used in the next causal relation. The floating is deep, internal, and mysteriously haecceity. RQ are unknowable as they cannot be held within the hands of the mind, they are just as romantic as their kin - sensual. Sensual Qualities (SQ) are perspective-dependent and RQ as perspective-independent.
The Frog is a grandiose, alluring, and slippery egotistical building. Reflective of you and paradoxically your own Essence of Violence and the precedent with an Existence of Fear. This architectural form is the imbuement of a causal relation in the tension of your own plight of denial.
The 12th century polymath occasionalist, Al-Ghazali posits that God interrupts the link between cause and effect and, in an analogy, provides the occasion for fire to catch cotton[39]. The 2nd century Buddhist philosopher, Nagarjuna argues that if something was to arise from itself or if something was to arise from something else that was not-itself, then nothing can or would happen.[40] Causal explanations are circular, both-and and neither-nor are mixed views and possibilities, this is the definition of Nagarjuna’s nihilism. Emptiness is not absence but the inability to conceptualise reality.
Psychology and psychiatry has taken on the histrionic pattern of oppression that has replaced the church. Witches burnt at the stake are replaced with bipolar women. Patterns are the same - language has progressed. Grasping ghastly at a thing never gives you the thing-in-itself.[41] The status-quo of social contracts are agreed on, sub-consciously and through the veil of ‘fear of being an outsider’. Each object maintains its own unique violent essence and withdraws into the individuality of its fears. Reality is something to be seen. Plato’s allegory of the cave[42] suggests movement towards truth requires a turn. Perception in seeing is bending thought through the figures in the cave as being dis-torsions as shadow projections. Figures as shadows and shadows as their Self. Western architecture has progressed from the ancient Greeks.[43] The allegory of the cave is as ancient as the Greeks and stands as a point of reference for the ‘courageous light of truth’ within the Frog. (Etymology of Leonora: Latin Leo [Lion] -nora [Light]).
If objects were able to touch at the quantum level of planck length, they would merge and become one another. Causality is brought into the vicarious aesthetic dimension of enmeshment.[44] There is no material or physical reason why causality happens. Therefore, it is the illusion of aesthetics in how the happenings unfold from a withdrawal of perception. Measurements of causality endeavour to disregard shadows, sounds, lights, and electromagnetic phenomena. Before measurement, two photons can be entangled as they emerge from a laser; there is an instantaneous capability within photons to react to the other’s spin[45] and angular momentum.[46] This current understanding within quantum theory disregards an idealistic version of causality where a phenomena would be invisible and inaudible in totality.
Courtrooms create the illusion of control attempting power and order. This is an illusion as the paradox is; the Judge is a servant to the public, and yet, is seated in a higher position within the spatiality of the place. All Judges are below those they sentence and dictate order to. We hope Judges remember this. The courageous light is spatially lower than the external outside. The delusion of order is imbued in the spatial form of the Frog. There is a difference between sense perception and ongoing empirical investigation. The intellectual process in empirical investigation moves beyond intuitive perceptible qualities into a deeper order. No process can achieve order. Codified Law enforces order but the process to achieve order is never actualised. Only a fantasy, a delusion, and cyclical. Sense perception owns the empirical intellectual process as it plays with an unmanageable urgency.
The ‘Frog’ (RO), filled with plants, bees, butterflies, and organisms within the internal space of the ‘courageous light’ (RQ) that can never be admired for its full beauty. We can observe through the gaps in the Frogs surface, little moments, but we can never enter and be with this illuminating space (withdrawal). ‘The path to heal’ (Etymology of Raphael: Hebrew ‘God has healed ') gets in the way of us entering the Frog (essence). Water always finds a way of getting where it needs to be. Over time the ‘crooked stream’ (Etymology of Cameron: Gaelic. cam ‘crooked’ and sròn ‘stream’) fills the ducts and dykes inside the Frog, until it reaches the internal space (fused with causation).
([Fear] Existence precedes) [Violence] Essence in the shadows.
[Violence] Essence in the shadows.
The search for essence is a journey toward meaning making and understanding. The Real reality is deep and inaccessible, always beyond the surface of TFB. Existence precedes essence[47] and is a profound question that curiously pokes at purpose and identity. Purpose and identity are first prescribed within childhood development then subscribed to throughout maturity. Entelechy comes from within all things. The modality of entelechy within essence fusing with causation sorts the TFB into dualities. All thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are violent. The spectrum of violence can go from breaking the silence on one end to the big-bang on the other end.
Plato posited that Forms of essences lie behind the ever-changing world of aesthetics[48]. Jean-Paul Sartre[49] and Martin Heidegger[50] explored queries in authenticity. Beings stare into the inner void and create the meaning as the ultimate act of power and control. Creating values, beliefs, desires, and experiences. There is personal growth through letting go of the prescribed material identity and subscribing to anew, creating a deeper sense of empathy, gratitude, and connection. First, inwards and then outwards.
There is a reciprocal affection with component objects to create new. Physis[51] is the origins of process, but not process as an interaction with others externally. Interactions allow the physis to reveal itself and remain incomplete. Dasein[52] is the agency of existing and participating in being. Physis refers to “the emergent self-upraising, the self-unfolding that abides in itself.”[53] A continual act of revealing it’s vulnerabilities and authenticity to the world. First, an object is produced by an interaction then stabilises allowing it to enter a new interaction, now the basis of the object can change. Secondly, the life of an object is based on the emerging properties and the role the basis of an object has in fulfilling those properties. Structures of the interaction matter more than the other object. Thirdly, inevitably, the basis of an object can change if the emerging properties are nourished. It reveals itself and affects other beings in its environment and network. It is a continual way of Being, of exerting oneself on its surroundings. This act of unfolding is violent.
Essence cannot be dictated by human consciousness. It does not exist within human experience, it is withdrawn and real, and thus, inaccessible. Any account of essence must give equality to the relations the object is in, there can be no hierarchy, no good or bad, no dichotomies. All relations are fused in singularity. Objects can exist without external relations, existence is created from internal relations. The internal relations set the terms for how the external relations can be formed. You are a victim because of your relation to the inside qualities and beliefs you hold on to.
“You (your inside perception of the outside) are what (opinions, facts, and knowledge) you eat (consume).”
Without external relations an object cannot be an object - an understandable retort is; objects are made from qualities of knowledge and understandings (subscribed or prescribed) in a network that provides a basis to interact. An object's essence creates the bounds for causal relations. Essence is a spectrum, access to an object is through unfolding, the unfolding is not more important than any other unfolding, there can be no access to the relations that object is having with other objects, so, any knowledge of the object’s essence will be speculative. Objects have their own entelechy and this allows them to unfold from in to out, the unfolding is made of essential relations, as a need to exert in a particular way. Inessential relations come and go as the fixed form remains. Death is when fixed forms are broken.
Slavoj Žižek argues that subjective violence is defined as a direct physical violent act.[54] Media and public discourse sensationalise and pivot around the foci of subjective violence enhancing societies fear. Whereas, objective violence is defined as; inherent in a system, subtle forms of coercion that sustain relations of domination, and exploitation. Objective violence has two sub-categories; systemic violence and symbolic violence. Systemic violence has been defined as; consequences of the smooth functioning of our economic and political systems. Minority groups and ostracised individuals are abundant in examples of being victims to systemic violence. Symbolic violence is through language (socio-politico-cultural), media (entertainment and marketing), and through the production of the built environment. Architecture is an act of oppression, agency through symbolically violent systems that imbue and manipulate (positively/negatively and consciously/unconsciously) the phenomenology of (non/)anthropological ontologies to gain order and keep status-quo. Both systemic and symbolic violence is invisible in comparison to subjectively violent acts. All acts of objective violence precede subjectively violent actions. Determination in socially agreed on acts are designed through systems and symbology. It takes intelligence, insight, and education to understand the dynamics of group level objective violence. Objectively violent groups can use exploitation techniques[55] and coercive behaviours[56] that can lead to the ostracising of individuals from families and communities. This ostracising can become the justified reason for retaliation in a subjectively violent act. Individual and collective reactionary crises of injustice lose weight over time as the bigger picture unfolds in facts rather than allegations.
Patience prevails; “In warfare, there are no constant conditions. He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent will succeed and win… If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”[57]
Heidegger deploys ontological violence as an essencing[58] (essence as a verb) within the ability of language. The moving and manipulative affect and effect of language brings objects and qualities into their essence. The essence of violence is diffractive from ontic violence, suffering, war, and destruction. Essence of violence dwells in the character of an imposition and the creation of Being-in-itself[59]. Heidegger posits that ‘essential violence’ grounds and opens up the space for the explosion of ontic and physical acts of violence. This precessional ontology is defined through objective violence. Ontology precedes ontic. Existence precedes essence. Objective violence precedes subjective violence.
Causes and conditions of subjective violence are beginning to be looked at and are having precedents being brought to light. In the context of family law collective members enact coercion on each other to dominate and over power in multi-faceted modes - physical acts of subjective violence in the form of retaliation nearly always eventuate. It is not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’. A tragic example is coercively controlling parents murdering their children and suiciding when their controlling habits come to light and they are found out. As law is a human designed system, both the allegations of an applicant and the responses of action in respondents is judged. When patience is present and power (domination) looks to be a one-sided phenomena, a shift will be ordered when Judges balance the scales. Furthermore, examples of systemic violence can be seen in the exploitation of labour, the marginalisation of certain social groups, and the global discrepancies in wealth and power. Objective violence, systemic and symbolic violence, and acts of coercive control are observed over time and within a process of a series of events.
Slavoj Žižek observes the psychoanalytic theories indulging individuals and groups perceiving themselves as victims or defenders of justice to justify their own violent acts. The cycle of violence provokes repression and retaliation often leading to subjective violence. Late stage Capitalism generates suffering and deprivation through profit and efficiency.[60] [61] We spend the majority of our life in the built-environment, but we can not read it. Non-physical forms of coercion shape individuals’ beliefs and behaviours to align with the interests of more dominant groups. Ideologies within media and education systems normalise social hierarchies. Society absolves responsibility by perceiving poverty, unemployment, and social exclusion as an individual's problems. There is a cyclical nature through all cultures that marginalises and devalues individuals to justify and normalise the propagation of cultural narratives enhancing the status quo of symbolic violence. There is a widespread belief that the legal system is fair, this is deluded and obscure. It could be said that it is better to take actions into your own hands. Symbolic violence has psychological effects. Evidence within moral injuries of warriors who have fought in war is about changing internal narratives against the flow of what social narrative perceives as immoral.[62] [63] [64] [65] Subjective violence is context-dependent. Engaging in acts of violence, is an abundant and colourfully internal experience that is rich and imbued with beauty.[66] Soldiers who have killed and engaged in acts of war are luckier than the majority of society - to get to this point of understanding is a lengthy therapeutic process in accepting that all aspects of violence are inherently instinctual and human. Once a moral injury is healed this opens up subjects into a world of socially perceived antisocial personality issues. You will be shown more.
Although, correlation does not equate to causation. There is a common narrative around the world that harmful, innerly vindictive and outwardly spiteful intimate partners use multi-faceted and coercive abusive behaviours through systems, groups, and individuals onto their spouse.[67] [68] [69] [70] Children are almost always hurt due to the coercive abusers self-perpetuation and malingering with Fear. Individual and collective dynamics deploy exploitation techniques that are used to exert power and domination over out-group victims. This objectively violent action heightens perpetrators' social status and reputation.[71]
Dominant hierarchies exhibit deception, manipulation, and coercion. Spousal violence relies on powerful coalitions of kin and the absence of kin protection with the victim. ‘Pop-psychology’ on social media allows perpetrator subjects to justify exploitative techniques and continue to look outside of their Self for the problem.[72] [73] The perpetuation of exploitative strategies by multiple individuals requires a temporal dimension. Examples include coalitional aggression or coalitional hierarchy negotiation. Satellite problems are produced from exploitation. These cascading problems include retribution within group dynamics, decline of the exploiters social reputation, and ostracism. These problems can also be used as exploitation techniques. Adaptive solutions are required as problems surface. Exploiters can use individual, dynamic, systems, and social apparatus to; cover up the exploitation, avoidance of victims and genetic kin, threaten economic infliction, actions of economic infliction actuality, economic infliction if there is retaliation, and marshalling game-playing through coalition and kin. Anticipatory adaptive solutions can also be deployed by victims and their allies to navigate seeking spectral revenge. Cost-benefit calculus determines adaptations to exploitation and the use of anticipatory solutions. Victims' defences evolve to be more refined, elaborate, and sophisticated in understanding the strategies of exploitation. Avenues of approach for the pursuit of one strategy over another or non exploitative strategy can be influenced over time and enacted with an understanding of the victims defence adaptations to exploitative attempts. There are consequences in dynamics’ structure through the use of exploitative strategies cascading into satellite problems, including alterations within primary and backup partners, change in social alliances, and coercion of kin protection techniques. Victim to perpetrator shifts are perpetual within species coevolutionary race to being ‘right’. ‘Tit-for-tat’ perpetuity unfolds within and between groups. The majority of these processes occur within a group context where social reputation is highly valued. Humans are social creatures and will go to great lengths and expand vast amounts of energy fixing their value to a manufactured, subscribed, and deluded place in a social hierarchy. Within group settings, the one discovered to pursue exploitative strategies like the moral opprobrium of lying, cheating, stealing, and weaponizing children diminishes positional status hierarchy. If the aforementioned allegations are used as a preparatory's exploitation strategy, this too can create a socially moral dilemma. Again, once found out the perpetrator will have a diminished social status and could continue the cycle of using self-victimisation tactics in narratives within social structures.
([Fear] Existence precedes)
Sartre posits that existence precedes essence and that agency is freedom.[74] The attainment of freedom is organised with causes, motives, and ends. The essence in freedom appears to be created. If we want to attain the creative power, give up any hope in the search for essence. The freedom in giving up the search becomes a paradox of creating the essence through a revealing of intra-mundane essences and possibilities. This allowance of intra-freedom is an opportunity to perceive synonymously toward the concept of what Jacques Derrida calls différance[75] (“meaning both a difference and an act of deferring, to characterise the way in which linguistic meaning is created rather than given”) and into the Fear or L'avenir[76] (to come) and our own endless possibilities. The perception of these agentic qualities as positive, and not negative, is an internal relation that must unfold semi-organically. Violence as essence can take many paths, creativity is violence, art is violence, speaking is breaking the silence and violence. Allow entelechy to adjust your view on violence, you can be determined by your essence and still have freedom on which side the coin lands. Harm or help?
A pragmatic view of fear brings stimuli into play through a multifaceted understanding; context-dependent and an exhaustible list of intra-actional and behavioural responses, psychology and neurobiological states, a sociological, systematically between individual objects, as a personality trait, as a genotype, through families facilitating fear-driving emotionally abusive narratives, and within endophenotype.[77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85]
Pavlovian fear conditioning[86] engages the concepts of: procedure, process, and behaviour. The control of procedure is through an external source to the subject and behaviour is then observed. The procedure influences the processes engaged and behaviours elicited. Processes are latent in that there are only few properties that manifest outside the original conditioning experience. Manipulating multiple neuron-type activity procedures can reveal specific, general, or complex neuron-type cue responsive processes and behaviours. Pavlovian fear conditioning, as procedure, occurs when shock delivery is contingent on cue presentation. The experimenter is controlling the procedure and observing the behavioural outcomes as a response. Freezing is ubiquitous with Pavlovian fear conditioning, there are also 12 other behaviours. As process refers to the change as a result of cue-shock pairings, an acquired cue property. For instance, if a neutral cue cannot elicit freezing and after a cue-shock pairing the elicited response is freezing then there has been change, this can be consistent over time. Latent processes can become engaged in cue-shock pairing. The latent processes are revleaved in a new setting or by postconditioning manipulations. Conditioned punishment reveals the ability of cue-shock pairings as an instrumental punisher. Subjects reduce responding to an action leading to the shock-paired tone. All subjects show a sensitivity to unimodal distribution of conditioned suppression. Whilst a subset of subjects are insensitive to punishment through a bimodal distribution in conditioned punishment sensitivity.
Fear is central to beings and runs through ontic and ontological existence. This centrality does not elicit a conscious thought, feeling, or beliefs (TFB). Although, TFB can be evidence for the central state. But, evidence for the state is not the state itself. Learned behaviours through conditioned-stimuli (CS) and unconditioned stimuli (US) affects TFB. There is a causal relationship between the central state of fear, the conscious phenomena of fear in TFB, and context-dependent stimuli. Causal patterns emerge over time and through space. Autonomic, endocrine, and cognition responses are environmental and phylogenetic. Regions of power, arousal, and reward and punishment are social and media constructs within humans' relationship with fear. The exhausting range of stimuli outlined has been reported to activate the amygdala. Synonyms for fear such as processing arousal, value, preference, relevance, impact, vigilance, surprise, unsigned prediction error, associability, ambiguity, uncertainty, anxiety, inconsistency, or unpredictability are proposed as a broader and more abstract processing function of the amygdala. Within humans, neurobiology prefrontal cortices, orbital, and medial networks promote processing of emotionally prominent stimuli and a visceral response. Ventromedial and dorsolateral networks strike reward processing cognitive control. The amygdala is pivotal in mediating between brainstem and cortical levels. There is a temporal and dynamic nature to the context-dependency of fear. Most CS-US stimuli inducing fear are socially learnt. Termination of fear is through self-soothing of fear; therapy/external validation seeking, group dynamics, alcohol and other drugs, and process addictions (such as masturbation, shopping, gambling, gaming/entertainment, over-eating/ disorders with food, and social media/news.)
Fear states are not static but rather dynamic and unfolding. Unpredictability activates the amygdala and a need to control desired outcomes leads to uncertainty through; time, how new the stimulus is, and the unknown of the stimuli. Uncertainty can be identified through two ways; a known probability of presentation referred to as risk, and ambiguity in the unknown of the presented risk. Humans have fear triggered by just thinking about stimuli. Worrying about what could happen distorts the actuality. Psychology brings two theories into play. First, appraisal theory[87]; fear is adaptive and has a functional role to accomplish. Secondly, conceptual act theory[88]; a constructivist framework suggesting that our experience and reporting of fear is a highly cognitive synthesis. Synthesis begins within arousal and valence, then interoceptive and somatic knowledge of body and agency, as well as, context and knowledge stored in episodic memory of similar past experiences merged with information from language through culture. The visceral state of our body and mind requires, to a degree, self-representation. Species without interoception cannot feel fear. Psychological theories propose that Fear can be seen as a biologically basic emotion. A delineation between fear, a panic system for adaptive survival, reward or punishment, and anxiety, is a more tonic state geared towards prediction and being prepared.
Anxiety is a psychological, physiological, and behavioural state induced in animals and humans by a threat to well-being or survival, either actual or potential. The function of these changes is to facilitate coping with an adverse or unexpected situation. Pathological anxiety interferes with the ability to cope successfully with life challenges. Vulnerability to psychopathology appears to be a consequence of predisposing factors (or traits), which result from numerous gene–environment interactions during development (particularly during the perinatal period) and experience (life events). Emotions being experienced or expressed at three different, but closely interrelated levels: the mental or psychological level, the (neuro)physiological level, and the behavioural level.
Uncertainty of stimuli induces fear and restraint of desires triggers rage.
Responses can be conditioned and these reactions merge with behaviours. Emotion implies behaviour (expression) and feeling (experience and subjective aspects). Expression depends on the hypothalamus, and experience on the cortex. Feeling is perceived through the mind in thought, and meaning is applied through memory of experiences. Visceral feelings are necessary, but not required for the phenomena of emotion. Social facts determine fear and anxiety to be a signal of danger. Individuality can change this. Perception shows your own reality. Anxiety is a refinement of fear providing a user experience to adapt and plan for the future. Fear mechanisms in evolution have been for survival of actual threats. Now, reused to protect from imagined threats. There are multiple realities playing at once, human experience is now through the lens of delusion and illusion.
Active strategies of hypertension and tachycardia are sympathetic activations to autonomic changes when escape from a threat is possible. Passive coping strategies like freezing are evoked with hypotension and bradycardia, and autonomic inhibition resulting in an increased neuroendocrine response through the activation of the hypothalamo pituitary-adrenal axis and increased glucocorticoid secretion. Active coping behaviours are unconditioned responses to stimuli and passive coping strategies are conditioned responses. Conditioned (conditioned fear, avoidance, and punishment-induced conflict tests) and unconditioned (aversive and ethological conflict tests). Pairing ongoing experiences with a visceral feeling from a threatening stimulus, US, with a neutral cue (visual, auditory, etc), CS, mammals will experience a state of conditioned fear with the presence of cue (CS), and absence of threatening stimulus (US). Subdivisions of the human prefrontal cortex have a role in affect in the absence of reward and punishment and emotional control. Environment is critical for the aetiology of anxiety.
Uncertainty unpins the imperfections of our senses, how we think, and the imprecision impeding us towards desires and goals. Estimating imprecision can help improve the success of our behaviours. Decision making for action planning; sensory processing, state evaluation, rule identification, and outcome prediction. Sensory processing requires incoming information to be quantified and categorised. Sensory uncertainty refers to subjects' noisy sensory input and not on the actuality of the status of objectivity. State evaluation refers to the state of the environment and determining the chance. However, state uncertainty is understanding that the environment is imprecise. Rule identification is the measure of risk. Rule uncertainty determines memory with experience and factors of influences from outside the subjects control. Outcome prediction is referent to perceived knowledge of outcome, but effect isn’t effect until observed as such.
Shannon entropy[89] is used to quantify and measure uncertainty. Quantifiable information is gained through the discretion of probability as it is distributed and then as variables reveal themselves. Stimulus uncertainty is within the domain of; multisensory integration, sensorimotor control, and unimodal sensory decision-making. However, internal noise is a fluctuation of a signal from biologically imprecise observation systems involved in emotions and Fear. Multisensory integration combines conflicting information/cues towards more uncertain information deserving less value. Decisions are enforced over time through an integrator reaching a fixed threshold. Temporal integrator models assume sensory information is gathered over time and as evidence unfolds and clarity is gained for a behavioural act.
Quantified uncertainty becomes if we almost know precisely the rule that governs the change of a state. Economic theory[90] assesses outcome uncertainty as ‘risk’, expected utility theory[91], subjective utility theory[92], and prospect theory[93] brings an understanding that the internal utility of outcome is a nonlinear function. Non-linearity can explain aversion to, or preference for maximisation of utility and value of an outcome. Variance is the quantified measure of outcome uncertainty in risk-return models in finance theory[94]. Probability of receiving a reward is inherent to dopamine response. Sensory uncertainty overmines state estimation. Monotony is a greater affliction than uncertainty, humans and other animals have evolved to cope with internal and external coping. As previously outlined, the mechanisms of coping are vast and many of them are self-abusive as a quick and easier way to cope with uncertainty. Uncertainty can drive progress in civilisation, but can be used as a placeholder for its synonyms in fear/anxiety and freeze subjects and groups into repeating patterns of self-destruction and violence.
Social learning of fear is through instruction and observation.[95] [96] [97] Amygdala-centred model of fear conditioning explains social learning of fear. Fears can be obtained through direct experiences (CS-US) or indirectly through social transfer (observing news on a media device of crime in a specific area). In humans, the homolog within the ventral (infralimbic) region of the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) is pivotal to the extinction of conditioned fear. Evolution has provided responses to signs of fear and pain. Humans and nonhumans apply value to stimuli or cues of the threat. “The ultrasocial environment of humans provides ample opportunities to watch others’ emotional responses to stimuli[98] [99]. Children with subclinical phobias or extreme fears toward certain situations, such as people, places, or things, often report having observed parents fearful in the same or similar situations[100] [101]. Social environment, including parental role-modelling to situations, experience, and stimuli, is important to conditioned fear in children. Transgenerational ‘baggage’ is passed from one generation to the next, through observation and contextual learning. Fear-narratives continue into adulthood unless there is internal intervention within adults. Perception of learning through observational knowledge instigates an unconditioned response. Information about another person's phobia of stimuli induces an aversive response in the observer even without a subjective cue of distress. Children’s persistent aversive response to a fear-relevant person, place, or object is obtained through the significant role-models expression. Children are designed and imitate expressions. A neurotic and fear-driven caregiver would undermine the responsibility for children.
There are two interacting pathways mediating fear learning through observation. First, Mirror-neuron models of emotion perception and empathy follows that an expression of distress is aversive as indicated through somatosensory display. Verbal sharing of the relationship with the stimuli helps emotional understanding and empathy towards others. Second, partial independence from cognitive functions, the relationship of social context can be involved in regulating basic emotional responding during observation and learning. Observers goals, expectations, and social context, and aversive stimulus elicits an amygdala-mediated fear response. Affective responses depend on context and on judgements through prefrontal brain systems. Affect to distress in others is dependent on interpersonal learning history and the value of the goals of the observer. Anterior insula and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) encode affective and autonomic aspects of pain, and are involved in observing or imagining others' pain, sharing of affect involves empathy.
Emotional information can be gained through language. Language forces internally generated imagery to create emotionally salient memories. Imagination, self-projection through time and space, thinking about others’ minds, and episodic memory formation are within the MPFC. Language has evolved. Higher cortical areas supporting consciousness are needed when discerning language fear conditioning (context versus cue or trace versus delayed). Instructed fear is dependent on awareness, agreeability, and manipulation. Social fear learning is core to creating culture, transmits biologically relevant information through individuals, and affects biological evolution. The output mechanism for observational learning is similar to classical fear learning. Given the symbolic nature of verbal/intructed communication, fear is acquired via a slightly different method. It is unlikely that symbolic abstractions are processed in the amygdala. CS is conveyed to the lateral nucleus, CS-US is only represented in a distributed cortical network and is left-lateralized reflecting the verbal nature of the US. Memory for this cortical association is dependent on the hippocampal complex for acquired fear, and the amygdala is not necessary. Autonomic expressions are still present in stimuli from instructed fear. This action is through cortical representation of the CS-US stimuli and potentiality for pain processed in the amygdala, suggestions remain that this may be through the insular cortex. Further suggestions are that the central nucleus mediates autonomic expression of instructed fear. Caveets included are; the stiatrums activation and human brain imaging studies reporting activation.
Verbal instructions can override the effects of past phenomena with CS-US pairings.[102] [103] The main behavioural effect of experience in US expectancy ratings is similar between conditioned experienced stimuli (CS+E) and conditioned instructed stimuli (CS+I). Verbally instructed fear reversal affects both CS+E and CS+I from a, threat, to, safe, in an equal degree. US expectancy ratings are observed that CS+E with reversal, that is a threatening and unsafe conditioning that has been reversed through verbal instruction to be non threatening and safe, is a lower US expectancy rating then CS with no reversal. That is a CS that is conditioned as safe and nonthreatening can be verbally instructed to be safe and nonthreatening. The physical experience can be denied reality with verbal instructed manipulation. FMRI results from the conditioning phase of CS-US pairings observed the pairings and their affect with voxel pattern responses to different CSs. Unique neural trace in CS-US experience is through blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) responses in the conditioning phase. Results indicated that during conditioning, experience goes beyond verbal threat instructions. Verbal instructions alone can fully reverse effects on US expectancy and psychophysiological measures. The effects of prior CS-US experience are unaffected by the presence of CS with the absence of US, this persists across time.
Put simply, if you experience a traumatising event you can manipulate yourself into behaviouring and relating differently through verbal instruction. This could also be seen for psychology treatment where rearranging narratives through verbal instructions overmines perceived episodic memory. To be blunt, you can be manipulated (by yourself and others) to heal, you are perpetuating your own narrative of being a victim until you stop. You will allways get what you always got if you are listening to outside reassurance. Change needs to come from an intra-action inside rather than from an outside instruction to deter fear driving behaviours.
Causation; vicarious, quantum theory, and boundaries of intra-actions.
What precedes classical Newtonian physics is quantum physics. The Copenhagen interpretation[104] emphasises’ the role of the observer[105] in the determination of outcome.
‘Reality is what you make it.’
The double-slit experiment[106] in quantum mechanics illustrates the role of observation in wave-particle duality of quantum phenomena. Electrons and photons exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. When observed they interfere like waves, but when not observed, they behave like particles. A quantum particle exists in a superposition of all possible states before measurement. Inferring effect could come before cause until observed actuality. On observation there is a collapse towards a single outcome (singularity and unity).
Probability/uncertainty/Fear are known factors in this collapse[107]. Probability amplitudes explain why a pattern can be opposing side of the duality spectrum until observed. This understanding of the laws underpinning life and nonlife will flow into other systems of control and power. Real Objects (RO) is its execution by being-whatever-it-is, and, doing-whatever-it-does. The self-defining of causation in a RO is through a mysterious end from a complementary act. RO unifies internal actions in understanding its internal parts in relation to the external relations of the phenomena of events. Through an analogy, you view the world outside and inside through a pair of glasses that you have allowed your Self to wear. There is a possibility to change your glasses for another pair, maybe some binoculars? Or to observe your Self from above using a drone that follows you everywhere and ‘Virtual reality’ goggles strapped onto your head. Essence involves a repetitional state of separating a change from what is created, and the fusion of what is remaining with that which became separated. Similar to Derrida’s Trace[108] and the process of grief in losing a loved one.
Vicarious causation is brought into the arena. Vicarious; experiencing through your imagination the feelings and actions of another person. God has been abandoned. But has (s-t)He(y)? Or, has language changed? Science refers to vicarious causation as ‘formal cause’. For vicarious causality to operate within formal cause it would mean forms do not touch one another directly, but fuse in a tension which all is partly absent. Causality has emerged to become a topic of inquiry. Awakening the question of what relation means. Our relationship with objects is a reliance on them for a slippery purpose. Relationality distorts the reality of things. We experience a world of broken parts. The surface of any object is elaborate and pure, this is the location of dramatic power and interaction. Causal power remains in the inaccessible depths where discretion and autonomous form hides. All relations are surface and superficial. Causation occurs when there is a breaking or suspension of; confrontation unfolding between Real Objects (RO) - Sensual Objects (SO), and privacy of objects from one another. When broken it creates new objects and interior spaces. The proximity of RO-SO is the occasion for a connection between a RO inside the desires (ambition, aim, and intent) of another RO. This has a puzzle-like effect and creates overlaps that show new light to the actuality of experiences. Reality lies beyond perception, we do not transcend the world but rather descend into the kaleidoscope of allure and into the beauty and heart of objects.
Change happens though events which are an instantaneous change of state. As well as, part of a process, that is a series of events. Things undergo processes and in turn cause changes in other things. The longer amount of time within a process the larger the effective causal change. As an example, the process of law is about fact finding. Law is about the search and application for truth. Truth finding happens through a series of events unfolding leading to reactions - character is observed through the length of this process. The creation of narrative is difficult to control, as it requires energy to remember the stories told and the directing of different agents. Actuality of truth is observed to find the essence within a process. Energy is used to define causation and be distinguished from correlation. Causation can be the transferring of energy. A light beam burns a dry leaf, the cause is light absorption, not light. Effect is the process of combustion. We are emotionally affected by experience. The model of causal interaction and change is through a phenomenological intuition capable of providing a skewed entrance to the real. Deep time provides the phenomenological environment against which the intuitions can be detached and causation emerges by the help of entelechy.
Quantum mechanics can seem complex and counter-intuitive, the subject can be the observer and subject of observation simultaneously. Quantum mechanics precedes classical physics[109]. Complementarity principle[110] introduces the theory that an object can exhibit dual properties. E.g. wave and particle. Cause and effect (or, ‘fuck around and find out’) is not clearly defined as being deterministically linked. This model of understanding the nature of interaction now acknowledges observation as the device for affecting systems and objects being observed. Classical models of physics give causation as being deterministic, applying that future state systems can be predicted with clarity and certainty. Quantum mechanics applies indeterminacy through Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle[111], acknowledging that certain pairs of physical properties (like position and momentum) cannot be precisely measured simultaneously. Causation is now probabilistic rather than deterministic. Observer effect[112] [113] [114] refers to the role of the observer in the measurement process. This act of measuring affects the system. This challenges traditional views of causation where the observer is independent of the observed system. The outcome of the process can depend on the measurement (perception). Niels Bohrs[115] and others have redefined the limitations of classical causation with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory. This framework underpins the nature of reality and has leaked into other systems of knowledge and power. There is an entanglement between the material and the discursive. Matter and meaning are co-constituted. This expands on Bohr’s complementarity that integrating practices, language, and material realities are intertwined. There is a deep interconnection in our practices of knowledge. This holistic approach combines; our understanding of what exists (ontology), how we come to know it (epistemology), and the ethical implication of our knowledge, ethico-onto-epistemology[116].
Agential cut[117] is the process by which boundaries are created and distinctions made between and with entities and phenomena. These cuts are between what we know (epistemology) and what exists (ontology). Life is a series of relations, entanglements, enmeshment, doumining, and euphonic cacophonies. It feels like the combination of joy and fear - excitement, joy and sadness - melancholy, or joy and joy - euphoria. Embodies the addition of red to blue - purple, yellow and blue - green, and yellow and red - orange. Queering the non-binaries. There is an abundance of anti-matter in comparison to matter. There is more nothing in our universe than things, the nothingness is the gaps in the bidirectional between objects and qualities, objects and other objects, and qualities and other qualities. “Less is more.” Scale delineates boundaries. Referentiality is the embodying of chosen concepts at the exclusion of others. This marks distinction between subject-object. Cognitive behaviour therapy is the adjustment of a current state of reality perception - self-manipulated towards another. Niels Bohr, determines that ideas obtain their meaning in relation to a defined physical apparatus of measurement and observation. This is the shift in objective knowledge acquisition. Human beings determine the outcome and play an interventionist role, stepping forward, tweaking a few dials, and stepping back to watch entelechy come through all aspects of essence and spinning causation into the void of certain uncertainties.
In conclusion, air will remain in the background, away from observation if it functions without disruption and corruption. There is a knowledge that results from recognition, the paradigm of new, rising from a renewed potentiality from within. We have understood the anthropogenic effects of climate change. Sustainability within architectural marketed discourse has had its time on the soap box. Air is now another object in need of care through the violence(/essence) of control, repair, and reform. The aesthesis of architecture needs to be navigated through the link between real objects and sensual qualities. Allure fused through Space. This will be through the metaphors of (in)visibility and felt states of temperature and humidity with the shadows of what is alluring(?) fused with what makes up space(?). The inner dynamics of physis, movements, winds, and density. Aesthesia, Essence, Existence; bringing the background forward to its right position, the shadows into the light, the boundaries on display, and the becoming through the agentic decay of letting go through unbecoming. In the presence of a reminder and a warning, and the absence of a threat, as your essence unfolds through your entelechy you will get what is coming for you, (try not to selfishly make this about your Self) ‘Delulu is the Solulu.’
So, did I make you feel, think, or behave a certain way? Did I manipulate your emotions abusively or compassionately? Did I ‘gaslight’ you enough into questioning your reality? Allowing you to view more of your Self’s objective violence. Have you allowed me to give you permission? Do you understand causality, yet? Was the entelechy always going to unfold this way? Has everyone involved learned the lesson that comes with change? Are you ready to co-exist in fear? Can we let go of our destructive narratives, or do more lessons need to be learnt? I am ready to see the world differently and through the lens of free-dom(ination). Are you ready to be an Advisor, Frog? Together, the Advisor with the Courageous Light of Truth and the Crooked Stream with that which God has Healed can stay separated.
Now that the Frog has shared its vulnerable secret with you, go out and enjoy the beauty unfolding and relate the causal interactions and tensions in our communities. The imbuement of Violence reacting from Fear in Objects and their Qualities.
With L(et) O(ur) V(iolence) E(nd)...
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